Selasa, 22 September 2009

Mortgages in Age-Based Communities

by: Rachel Jackson

Mortgages themselves can be very confusing, and difficult to figure out. However, when dealing with mortgages, something to remember is that different banks and different communities are often going to have deals that you might be eligible for. It is important to look into all options available to you; so that you can be sure you have made the right choice when it comes to mortgages.

One of the options that you might have – without even knowing it – is the option of having a mortgaged in your age-based community. If you are of a certain age, in many states and areas, you are eligible to live in an age based community. This might mean a retirement type community, and it could even mean an assisted living community. However, it could also be a gated community that is only meant for persons of a certain age. All of these communities will have different rates when it comes to home prices, and most of them will have special mortgage deals that you can apply for through a participating bank.

Mortgages in aged based communities work the same way as regular mortgages. You are purchasing the house from whoever owns it, so you will apply first for a mortgage through a bank. The firm will take into account your financial status at the moment, and the amount of money that you are bringing in, and if you are approved for the mortgage, you can buy the home inside the age based community. A mortgage rate will be set, as will monthly payments, and you will be able to pay your monthly rate and continue to live in your home. For the most part, mortgages in aged based communities work the same as mortgages in regular communities. However, there are going to be some differences for you.

The first difference is that often with age based communities, you are buying homes from the community or from the association, instead of from an owner. Often, the homes will carry a different type of price tag because of this, as the community will set their own price. Therefore, you might end up paying more or less for a home in an age based community, based on other factors within your mortgage. However, you will have some good trade offs, as well. Most of the time, in an age based community, you'll have the chance to take part in the association, which might take care of your lawn care, care on your home, and other types of things that might come up. Many people love to live in association run areas, because it means that they are able to do less work for themselves, even as they own a home. If this is the type of life that you are looking for, getting a mortgage in an aged based community might be right up your alley.

Another difference between getting a regular mortgage and getting one in an age based community is that often when you are looking at a mortgage in an aged based community you are going to be on a fixed income, like retirement benefits or social security. Unlike a regular mortgage, your income isn't going to change and so you need to have a smaller payment so that you can afford to make it each month. Therefore, may banks work with age-based communities to ensure that those applying for mortgages within them are able to afford the loan that they get. If you are approved to move into an age based community, you will most likely also be approved for their financing programs through the banks and lenders that they work with. If this is the case, you will end up with a smaller mortgage payment, or with a reduction in fees, depending on what their policies are.

For many citizens, this ends up being the reason that age based communities are the best places for them to live. For you, it might just be the greatest way to spend your years. Living in an association run, age based community will allow you to have the home of your dreams, in a community that you feel comfortable in. If you can get a good deal on your mortgage at the same time, why no enjoy the benefits that come with age!

Mortgage and Our Economy: What It Means For You

by: Rachel Jackson

The economy is in the midst of the worst slump for generations, and we are beginning to rethink our financial structures and the way that we handle money. One thing that has not changed much, however, is the fact that we need a place to call home, and it is still a worthwhile investment to own one.

In fact, now may be the best time to buy a home, with prices lower than they have been in many years and mortgage companies desperate to find buyers with good credit and a down payment to their names. For anyone who has been renting, saving, and building their credit up over the last few years, the time is ripe to look into a new home purchase.

Fallout from the Economic Downfall

In addition to the tricks of investments that seemingly create money out of nothing, the economic trouble was spurred on by the explosion of the bloated housing market. Mortgage companies would issue mortgages to people whose income would not support those loans in the long term. These loans were designed to start out with incredibly low, often interest only payments, which eventually would blossom into much larger payments. The idea was that the home buyer would refinance before the terms of the loan changed, but this was not often possible for the buyers in reality.

Some mortgage companies went even beyond this particular practice to blatantly illegal activities, falsifying income proof and other documents on “behalf” of buyers in order to get them into more and more expensive homes. These loans were highly dangerous, but the mortgage companies had a plan for that, too, bundling the rotten mortgages into groups and selling them off as investment opportunities that were touted, falsely, as low risk.

As buyers slowly came upon the end of the fixed rates on their loans or to the end of their interest only payments and were unable to refinance, a trickle of home owners began to foreclose. When this trickle became a flash flood of foreclosures, the real estate market and the economy that it was propping up began to tumble down.

What that means for you

As the economy started to falter, the house prices all across the country dropped dramatically, which means that almost anyone not caught up in a disadvantageous loan has the chance to participate in the economic recovery by buying a house. At first mortgage companies closed the doors tight to new loans unless they were extremely secure, but they are beginning to open up again to reasonable loads for home buyers.

With a good credit score, and a decent down payment, it is now a perfect time to take advantage of the rise of the housing market from the dead and buy a foreclosed or empty property, sometimes for less than half the price it was selling for a few scant years ago. Over time these properties will slowly recover their value, and in a decade or so you may have doubled your investment.

Things to watch out for

It goes without saying that you do not want to be one of the unfortunates in the next potential round of foreclosures, so there are some things that you should watch out for when you are getting a loan. Beware, for example, of mortgage companies that try to talk you into taking a mortgage that you are worried about being able to afford.

It is also important to take on a load with a fixed rate that will be affordable to you in the foreseeable future until the loan is paid off (and consider a term life insurance policy to help your loved ones pay off the house should something happen to you before it is done.) Think twice or more about any loan that is temporarily fixed, as payments can jump quite a bit when the fixed rate term is up, and do not ever sign the papers for a mortgage which you can only afford by refinancing in a few years unless you have fully considered the repercussions of being unable to get a new loan when the terms change.

There is a lot to consider when buying a house, and considering can lead you to wait longer than is advisable before you make your move. The time is right to go home shopping in this new economy, and what that means to you is the potential for security and a wonderful investment in your future.

Current Mortgage Rates and How They Affect You

by: Rachel Jackson

To some, the interest rate is a rather meaningless number that seems to change on an almost daily basis. However, if you are applying for a credit card, buying a new car or applying for a mortgage, this number can significantly affect how much you are paying every month and over the term, or length of your loan. At the time of writing, mortgage rates are low and it is a good time to buy a home, or refinance an existing mortgage at a lower rate.

The interest rate is defined as the amount of money it will cost you to borrow a certain amount of money from a bank or lender. It is virtually impossible to accurately predict mortgage interest rates; one of the biggest factors that influence them is simple supply and demand. If more people are buying houses, more money is being borrowed, which means that lenders can charge higher rates to borrow the money. In a slow economy, less people are borrowing money, rates are generally lower to attract customers, and there is more money to lend.

The mortgage interest rate affects you both in the short term and the long term. A rate that is lower means that your monthly payments are lower; it also means that over the term of the mortgage, you are paying less. Whereas the traditional mortgage is taken out for a period of 30 years, a lower rate means that you may perhaps be able to take out a shorter term mortgage, of 20 or even 15 years. Also, it means that you will own your home outright, sooner rather than later – a big advantage.

The total amount that you will end up paying for your home can potentially vary a great deal with even just a small change in the interest rate. A reduction in the interest rate of just one point can mean that a homeowner with a traditional 30 year mortgage can enjoy average savings of around $50,000 over the term of their mortgage. And a small increase in the interest rate of just one or two percent can result in monthly payments that are anywhere between $50 and $250 higher, depending on how much your home cost to begin with.

When it comes to buying a home and taking out a mortgage, you basically have two options – a fixed rate mortgage (FRM) or adjustable rate mortgage (ARM). An FRM is the safer and more stable option - the interest rate on the loan doesn’t change, regardless of whether interest rates in general go up or down. The obvious disadvantage of an FRM is that the interest rate may be lowered; resulting in you making higher monthly payments than you would otherwise be doing, unless you refinance. It’s estimated that around 70% of all homebuyers today take out a fixed rate mortgage, rather than go with the riskier adjustable mortgage.

If you have an FRM at a higher interest rate and rates go lower, your only option to take advantage of the lower rate is to refinance. Some financial experts will tell you that it is only worthwhile refinancing if the interest rate on your new mortgage will be at least 2% lower than your current rate, although of course the decision whether to refinance or not is up to you. You should also take into account how long you are planning to stay in your current home – if you are planning to move within a year or two, it probably doesn’t pay you to refinance.

An ARM is the riskier of the two options – as the name suggests, the interest rate can vary, depending on the interest rate at the time, meaning that your monthly payments may be higher or lower. If you have a good rate to begin with and you can afford to pay the extra payment should interest rates rise, this may be a good option for you. If an increase in interest rates will hurt you financially – or if you are just the cautious type who doesn’t like to take risks – an ARM loan perhaps isn’t a good idea.

So if you are applying for a mortgage, pay particular attention to the all-important interest rate – it can potentially save you or cost you a lot of money over the next 30 years.

Bad Credit Lending Solutions Offers Loans for People in Need

by: Willie Tomlin

Times can be tough from day to day. When day to day financial problems rear their ugly heads it is time to take action. A simple matter of just being short from time to time is usually resolved easily. If it has gotten to the point that phone calls have to be screened due to bill collectors then there is a problem. Badcreditlendingsolutions are interested in helping any person with less than stellar credit. Every possible effort will be made to make those crazy days turn back to happier days.

Everybody in financial distress needs a company that is steadfast with help for future peace of mind. It is helpful to prepare the way for help. Taking all the bills and organizing them helps in the review process. If the need is apparent for help from badcreditlendingsolutions then staff will be ready to step right in and look for solutions. Ideally, the phone will calm down and everyone involved will feel better. After all-creditors are happy when they get their money and those in debt are happy to be freed up to make more money or simply to enjoy life more.

Just as much as it took to get into trouble with money there are always ways to get out of trouble. With the caring assistance of badcreditlendingsolutions it is possible to work out ways to pay loans off. These are the experts to turn to when trouble is barking at the door. They can help and teach about ways to turn bad credit into good news. There is hope when people like this are able to help with bad credit personal loans. Worst case scenario is to dig deeper in those pockets and pull up lint. Best case scenario is to get help to pay off those heavy bills and breathe easier.

Many a good night of sleep has been experienced due to money woes. Tossing and turning about how to get out of a mess is not going to do any good. For real anxiety relief it is going to take action. Action that involves badcreditlendingsolutions is the kind of action that takes people places. There is nothing as bad as it seems when someone with trained eyes will be able to look over any situation and offer solutions. While it may take effort to make a difference it will be well worth all the time it takes to make a better life.

The Boost You Can Get From Bad Credit Credit Cards

by: Willie Tomlin

Difficult financial times can happen to anyone and when a person's credit rating is damaged by an imperfect credit payment history, there can be very strict consequences. A personal bankruptcy will also affect the ability for many people to qualify for a credit card. There is a way to rebuild your credit rating and to show you can responsibly handle credit cards and that is by getting one of the bad credit credit cards that will hold a security deposit on account and issue you a major credit card that can help you begin to build a credit history that shows responsible payments that are on time.

There is a large variety in the types of bad credit credit cards and you must be quite sure to read everything that is with the application. Some of those cards may require you to pay a fee for the year and there are others which will have no annual fee. There could be charges applied to you for charging over your limit, so be aware of that provision and still other cards will have you pay large penalties if a payment is not received on time by the credit card issuer.

The entire reason you get one of the secured or bad credit credit cards is so that you can show that you are now on track with being on time for all payments due on this new account. You need to be sure that the card you choose will be frequently reporting to all three of the major credit bureaus. You need your good, responsible payment behavior to work for you and help you rebuild the good name you want for the future. If there is a choice between a card that will be reporting to the credit bureaus and one that will not, you would be wise to choose the one that will report.

The advantage of the bad credit credit cards is that you do not have to worry about being accepted for them, you will find it effortless to qualify for these cards. The important thing is to be sure you are aware of the contract you are signing and the fine print that may contain information about hidden fees and charges.

Rabu, 16 September 2009

3 Tips to Successful Small Cap Stock Investing - Profit 500% in 30 Days With Less Initial Investment

By Shaun Patrick Davidson

It might be said in the financial world that small cap investing is a risky proposition. That might have been the case if inexperienced investors or traders did little research in finding the right stocks to buy. Moreover, as the world is emerging from a recession, a lot of those small cap companies have gone by the wayside. Being that their company's product or service is too competitive out in the marketplace, there is this "checks and balances" process happening to help eliminate some of those smaller outfits. Therefore, enabling complete investors to swoop in and take advantage by buying these so-called recession proof stocks. Here are some tips to utilize to find the right small cap stocks and cash in on instant profitability.

1. Research a niche market/company-As I had coined in the previous paragraph, a "complete investor" is not your traditional investor. As fun as it is to just take someone's word for it and buy up stock, small cap investing requires thorough research. What I like telling first time small cap investors, find two or three companies with varying products and services and find out as much as you can. Immediately, you should start to do your research on the internet, there is a lot of company information you can gather and there are actually "upper management" contact information. Call up these companies, find out what they're production looks like, find out if the managers own shares of their stock and find out if they plan on purchasing more in the future. Additionally, ask for their profitability reports (10K and 10Q), this information will give you a "temperature" as to their profitability direction. With all the right measures and research, investors can easily find out if they are a worthy buy in the future months to come.

2. Stay away from Pink Sheet Stocks-Pink sheet stocks are generally referred to what I like to call "underground shares". Companies only selling pink sheets have yet to be endorsed by the stock exchange or Nasdaq indexes. Even in a recession, these are many times more riskier to carry because the firm hasn't completely developed into a full scale corporation. And another downside is that if you ever need to sell your pink sheet stocks, they will be tough to get rid of due to the fact that the public are not aware of that particular company. And as a result, keep pink sheets on the back burner and don't consider them until you complete further research.

3. Diversify your portfolio, invest in a wide range of companies, not just one-This should be an easy tip to understand. Plan on investing on three or four different niche markets and spread the money around. This way if one company's stock drops, the others will pick up the slack. This is just common investing 101, any good portfolio will be broken down into 50% small cap stocks and the other 50% various blue chips, bonds and other stable commodities. Overall, a well rounded small cap portfolio will comprise of an average of 15 different companies. Something to think about when you're deciding to put together your investments.

For more tips and tricks in investing in today's economy, please feel free to get expert advice from my site at:

Shaun Davidson-Automotive and Finance Consultant-2008

Online Share Trading System - Proven For Success, Learn Why One is Necessary

By William Yates

Trading on the stock market offers a lot of potential for a lot of money. It's an exciting idea and many people just rush out and start buying and selling whatever stocks they're familiar with. Some people try and do some research on their own and end up loosing money to complex financial 'instruments'. Investors like that didn't have a good stock trading system in place.

Without really knowing what you are doing, you could stand to lose a lot of money. Even those experienced in trading stocks lose money. It is all about having systems in place that you can follow to keep the emotions out of the way.

Yes, that's right, emotions are one of the biggest reasons people lose money on stocks. If you have a proven system to follow then you can eliminate the emotional aspects out of the business, after all it is business. If you eliminate the emotions, then you are more objective and trade with your head and figures presented rather than with your heart.

Trading stocks also require you to prepare psychologically. This is part of the emotional aspect of trading. If you are mentally strong and know what to look out for, then you are far more likely to trade efficiently and win.

Stocks and share trading can also be intellectually complex with lots of mathematical analysis and charts etc. With some systems, you can eliminate all those technical aspects and follow a step-by-step plan which is simply a case of ticking boxes to ensure a stock meets the investment criteria for it to be safe.

So, if you are considering or are already trading shares and stocks, then invest in a good online share trading system that takes all the guess work out and you will massively improve your chances of success.

Learn why an online share trading system is proven to be essential for stock trading success, just click on the link.

The Advantages of Online Stock Trading - If You Have a Proven System

By William Yates

There are many portrayals of stock brokers in the movies and on television. They are moving fast, working hard, usually yelling into a phone. While a little more calm than that, online share trading is no less exciting and can be very profitable.

Instead of paying a broker to trade for you, you can just plug into the market directly from your computer and start buying and selling. This form of online trading is called DAT or Direct Access Trading, and it means there is very little standing between you and the stock market.

Companies and services that offer DAT allow you to jump right into the middle of the action. You will get good access to market data through their software and the ability to click and buy in less than a second. You'll also learn there are more than just basic stocks out there to invest in. You could get involved in futures, currencies, bonds, options, anything that is available usually.

Using the market data, you can begin to do some research and invest exactly how you want. No explanations to brokers, no waiting on the phone or in an office while you watch a ticker price move away from what you wanted. You can trade your investments instantly, however you want, the second you decide it is time to act.

Speed is one of the advantages of online stock trading. In a volatile market, it can be very beneficial to be able to buy shares and then sell them within the hour as the price peaks and then beings to fall. Trading heavily during the day can also help increase your profits. Many companies actually reduce the amount of commission they take from your trades the higher your volume is.

Online stock trading is easy to get in to, but takes some practice to master. Researching the markets you're investing in is very important. So are your instincts. Trading needs a lot of both. The longer you trade, though, the more experience you will gain, and that will mean more profit. What is essential to success is having a proven system to follow.

Be prepared for some losses, make sure you have a good internet connection, and do your research. The entire stock market is waiting. Don't overlook the advantages of having some sort of proven online share trading program.

Trading stocks is extremely profitable if and only if you follow a proven online share trading system. Click the link for more information.

Investment Portfolio

By Micheal James

Investment portfolio could be defined as a pool of different investments by which an investor bets to make profit while aiming to preserve his invested amount at the same time. The diversity of the investments in an investing portfolio depends upon the investors estimates of both risks and returns. They can either invest in stocks having low risk with low reward or in stocks having high risk with high reward. The decision of investment as well as the investment pattern of an investor depends upon his basic nature as well the amount of capital he wants to invest. There are mainly three types of investment. These are patient, aggressive and conservative investment portfolio. The investor having patient portfolio mostly invests in companies that give him/her regular returns no matter what the market conditions are. The investors with such investment portfolio hold their investment for a longer period. The investors with aggressive portfolios invest in risky stocks that could earn him high profit and their investments are mainly in rapidly growing companies. The main feature of their investment is it keeps on changing and experiences big turnovers over time. The conservative investment can be seen of the investors who always invest with an eye on the yield. They also take into account growth of the company as well as dividends offered. Based on this they take their investment decision.

For your investment portfolio working the best, you need to ably manage it. Below mentioned are some of the points that would help you to manage your investment portfolio better:

• You should never keep worrying about the performance of your every investment. There would be some that may be giving you bad returns at that point of time, but you have to forget about it and focus on the performance of your investment portfolio as a whole.
• You should have patience no matter how worse the situation turns and should always keep your focus on the eventual gains.
• You should always stick to your strategy while taking minimum risk and should not deviate from your investment plan hearing any rumour.
• Your stock investment should be diversified so that if you face loss in one or two profile it could be compensated. For example you can invest in small stocks, real estates investment trusts and in foreign stocks, but the investment should not be big.
• You should always adopt value-oriented and diversified approach and should not invest money in stocks that you may need immediately.
• You should not rebalance your portfolio often, give it some stability and don't take the things for granted taking its history into account.
• You should not fill your portfolio with fashionable stocks as it will not gain you much profit.

For successful investment portfolio, you need to have sound investment strategy. There are mainly two types of strategies that are adopted by the people. One is passive portfolio strategy and the other is active portfolio strategy. In passive portfolio investment strategy the investor has minimum expectations from his investments and depends upon diversification on investment to match market index, while in active investment portfolio strategy the investor uses available information and forecasting techniques to seek a better performance. With the technological advancement even the modes of managing your investment portfolio is changing. Now technological help in the form of software is available in the market that helps you to manage your investment portfolio efficiently. But whether it's taking technological help or formulating strategies manually, it's your instinct as well as your market reading capability matters the most. So you should always back your investment portfolio with a sound investing strategy.

Stock Market Quotes

By Micheal James

The stock market is the only place of its kind where anyone can come with a fist full of cash, utilize it using his wits and expertise and can turn that money into a million dollar game. In all this process, researching on stocks and reviewing their quotes carefully plays the major role. Now here, a neophyte may ask, "What is stock quote".

In alluring or warning tone, it may be said that stock quote or stock market quote is a reflection of the net worth of an investment and has an important role to play while we take our decisions related to stocks that we want to buy or sell. Generally, all the websites dealing in stocks, stock market and especially financial sector have a specialized tool of stock market quotes. Every tool of this type provide the users with their very own stock market quotes calculated by them and mind you again that your profit or loss depends a lot on stock market quotes.

In easier way the term "stock market quote" may be understood as the cost on which a broker and you decide to make a deal or buy and sell some number of shares. Generally a stock market quote is classified into portfolios. To get a quote on stock market, you only have to do is the put the ticker symbol in to the space provided on the website and click the "Go" button. In case the condition arises where you do not know the ticker symbol of the security or the stock, you want to get quote of, you can use the "ticker symbol search tool" provided in the websites. After you are done with all this you will see the stock quote of the desired stock in seconds' time. Along with the quote and the ticker symbol, there are four other important things given in the stock quote page.

1] Last price- this information refers to the price on which the particular stock was traded. It also symbolizes that you can also have the chance to buy and sell shares at that very price. In websites providing this information this data given, is generally not the freshest price quote. It is generally up to 30 minutes old data and prices that are shown. For the latest updates on the quotes of the particular share, you can ask the broker directly.

2] Price Indicator-a red arrow or the green arrow, just below the "last price" is an indicator. Red arrow signifies that the stock for which you are searching quote is trading downwards at that present time as compared to last market session. A green arrow symbolizes exactly the opposite that the stock is doing business of higher price than last market session. No arrow means the prices of that stock is stable and unchanged.

3] The third important thing given is the comparison chart of the price at which stock is trading right now and the price at which it was traded in the last session. If it is going towards your profit, it'll appear in green else in red. If it is neutral, no color will be shown.

4] The fourth information given in the page is the percentage by which the stock price has dwindled or augmented in both the last session and the current session.

Websites like yahoo finance, NASDAQ,, CNN/Money, PC Quote Online, BigCharts, MSN Money,, ADVFN,,, trading charts, and are some that provide the stock market quotes to the public and the investors in very enhanced yet simplest way.

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The Secret to Making Money With Penny Stocks

By Charles Carmichael

To begin making money with penny stocks, you need to understand that success in this highly volatile financial field requires the same thing any industry requires to succeed: hard work. If you're looking for quick riches, be prepared for disappointment.

You really can make money with penny stocks. With our modern laws and modern online capabilities, anyone can execute both the research and the actual trades from the comfort of their own home. There is a ton of information out there in the form of penny stock listings on the Pink OTC Market (Pink Sheets), the OTCBB (Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board), fantastic research tools on the sites of reputable online stock brokers (Fidelity, Charles Schwab, TDAmeritrade, ShareBuilder, E*Trade and others).

There are even applications that help you paper trade so you can practice trading without plunking down your cold hard cash and putting you neck on the line. Making money with penny stocks is all about research, practice and discipline.

The key is you have to fully utilize all these great services and tools to really do your due diligence. The moment you start feeling impatient or you start treating this like a get-rich-quick scheme, you begin down the road of failure and potentially even financial ruin. This is serious business; this is not a game.

In fact, penny stock trading is actually more risky and more expensive than regular stock trading. Most penny stocks (also referred to as micro cap stocks or nano cap stocks) are not traded on the major stock exchanges (like NASDAQ or the NYSE). Instead they're traded on the Pink Sheets and the OTCBB. While these quotation services are evolving and trying to curb fraud when they can, most stocks listed there are still not required to file with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).

The SEC has been combating micro cap fraud for several decades, and with online trading their job has just become more difficult. Literally billions of dollars of penny stock fraud occurs every year, and most of that money comes from savvy, unethical brokers exploiting naive new investors looking into making money with penny stocks.

So in addition to learning how to leverage the tools and services I've described here, you need to research and steel yourself for fraud schemes like the pump and dump and the chop stock. Making money with penny stocks is as much about avoiding risk and fraud as it is finding those lucrative nano cap stocks.

To learn everything you need to know to truly succeed with penny stocks, visit my comprehensive no-hype and no-sales website: Making Money With Penny Stocks
